calendar>>November 29. 2016 Juche 105
British Organization Introduces Kim Jong Un's Letter
Pyongyang, November 29 (KCNA) -- The British Association for the Study of Songun Policy on Nov. 22 posted on its website "Let Us Further Intensify the Work of the Women's Union under the Banner of Modelling the Whole Society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism", a letter sent by supreme leader Kim Jong Un to those attending the Sixth Congress of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea.

The work, published on Nov. 17, Juche 105 (2016), says that the Korean women's movement is a Juche-based movement which was pioneered by President Kim Il Sung and has covered a glorious course of its development under the guidance of the President and leader Kim Jong Il.

And it clarifies the tasks and ways for the union to make positive contributions to accomplishing the cause of socialism and Juche revolution.

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