calendar>>November 30. 2016 Juche 105
Arrest of Park Geun Hye Demanded in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- The south Korean newspaper Hangyore Monday carried an editorial dealing with the people's demand for not only resignation of Park Geun Hye but also arrest and detention of her.

The editorial said that Park might have heard a slogan "Park Geun Hye, Resign" chanted by the people after surrounding Chongwadae on Nov. 26.

It noted that more than 1.9 million people took part in the fifth all-people action across south Korea, raising candlelight high despite bad weather.

Those participants have demanded for arrest of Park Geun Hye, enraged at her refusal to accept the prosecution's investigation, it said, adding:

The only way out for Park is to resign from the post of "president" as soon as possible.

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