calendar>>December 1. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Abolishing Fascist Law in S. Korea
Pyongyang, December 1 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Thursday carries an article on the lapse of 68 years since the "Security Law", an unprecedented fascist law, was fabricated in south Korea.

The article says:

The SL, a copy of the "public peace maintenance act" dating back to the period of the Japanese imperialists' rule over Korea, came into being on Dec. 1, 1948. And it has been steadily revised as a tool for tightening the fascist dictatorial system whenever the people's aspiration for independence, democracy and reunification grew stronger and the ruling crisis of the puppet ruling quarters deepened in south Korea.

Its fascist and treacherous nature has been more clearly revealed under the dictatorial rule of traitor Park Geun Hye.

Park, who inherited the fascist disposition of the "yusin" dictator, has openly committed politically-motivated cruel terrorism against anyone aspiring after the nation's reconciliation, unity and reunification and standing in the way of maintaining power even a bit by invoking the SL.

It is a tragedy of history that such fascist law, rejected by all Koreans and human conscience long ago, is still allowed to exist so as to violate the south Korean people's democratic freedom and rights and block the improvement of the inter-Korean relations.

As long as the anachronistic SL remains in force, the south Korean people can never enjoy democracy and human rights and it is impossible to expect the improved north-south relations.

The south Korean people should intensify the struggle to throw into the dumping ground of history the SL and traitor Park who turned south Korea into the world's worst tundra of human rights and a veritable hell and put the north-south relations to a catastrophe.

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