calendar>>December 1. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Conservative Group Slammed for Trying to Find Way Out in Fabricating "North Wind"
Pyongyang, December 1 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet conservative group, upset by the actions staged by the people from all walks of life to demand Park Geun Hye to step down and the moves of the opposition parties to impeach her, are making the last-ditch efforts to seek a way out in fabricating the "north wind".

The pro-Park faction within the "Saenuri Party" is branding the large-scale candlelight demonstrations of south Korean people of all social standings as "a rebellion by the agitation of the backstage forces" and telling sheer lies every day that "there are large manipulating forces behind the Confederation of Trade Unions and a prepared operative of the north behind opposition parties" and "there are teachers following the north behind students of secondary and high schools". It is working hard to build public opinion in a bid to create impression that the ever-mounting all-people resistance is now under way under "the north's wire-pulling," asserting that "it is resuming even broadcasting service for giving cipher instructions to spies dispatched to the south and issuing orders for all-out action."

Meanwhile, gentries of the ultra-right conservative organizations are spreading misinformation that the people's actions for forcing Park to resign are related to "the attempts of the left forces following the north to overthrow the state" and "the main force is the 120,000-strong spy group following the north." They went the lengths of floating false rumor through internet that "a certificate of the Workers' Party allegedly lost by a spy of the north was found at Kwanghwamun Square, the venue of rallies."

A spokesman for the National Reconciliation Council in a statement on Thursday said all "north wind" rackets of the puppet group and every form of false propaganda conducted by them against the DPRK are faked up in such way.

What merits attention is that such "north wind" charade is conceived by the lackeys of Chongwadae under the command and manipulation of Park Geun Hye who is breathing the last breath and orchestrated by the gentries of the "Saenuri Party" and ultra-right conservative organizations under the instructions of Chongwadae, the statement said, and went on:

The south Korean people of all social standings should heighten vigilance against the venomous serpent-like disposition of Park and her crafty deceptive artifice.

Gone are the days when the conservative group used to deceive the south Korean people and tide over the crisis through the fabrication of the despicable "north wind" and the campaign for eliminating the "followers of the north".

Nothing is more ignorant and ridiculous attempts than the efforts of the conservative group to prolong its remaining days while pinning hope on such bankrupt "north wind" farce.

The conservative group's foolish bid to find a way out through the fabrication of the "north wind" would only touch off stronger resentment of the south Korean people.

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