calendar>>December 2. 2016 Juche 105
Letter to Bureau Director of Int'l Telecommunication Union
Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Ri Yong II, director of the Department of Radio Control of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Thursday sent a letter to Francois Rancy, director of the Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union.

The letter said:

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of the DPRK would like to remind the Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union of its previous requests for hard actions by the Bureau, regarding the several reports of violent infringement by south Korean Administration on Article 42 of ITU Constitution and No. 15.1 of ITU Radio Regulations.

The Ministry has received 9 replies from the Bureau that it had already informed the south Korean Administration of the above-mentioned infringement.

However, the south Korean Administration deliberately continue to emit the TV broadcast signals on 4 channels (channel 7, 8, 10, 11) on our analog TV broadcasting system towards the territory of the DPRK, thus causing serious interference to our TV broadcasting channels.

Recently, it has taken harmful actions by increasing the duration of TV broadcasting from the previous 16 hours to 20 hours.

In this regards, the DPRK Ministry of Post and Telecommunications would like to request the Radiocommunication Bureau to take decisive and immediate measures on this issue once again.

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