calendar>>December 2. 2016 Juche 105
Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace
Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- The Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace in the DPRK is a comprehensive extracurricular education center for schoolchildren and a pedigree establishment for cultivating their talents.

For the past one year after it was remodeled under the loving care of supreme leader Kim Jong Un, it has made a number of achievements by improving educational contents and methods.

The palace has produced 10-odd winners of the July 15 Honor Student Prize, over 50 reserve singers and instrumental players and several hundreds of graduates with technical qualifications and medalists.

Particularly, members of its sci-tech groups took the first place in national coding contest and national basic science contest this year.

Members of its sports groups have bagged over 180 gold medals, 70 silvers and 100 bronzes at different national games, including the 42nd National Schoolchildren's Sports Contest for Jongilbong Prize and the 53rd National Sports Contest of Juvenile Sports Schools.

The exhibitions of teaching aids and artistry presentations of guidance teachers served as important occasions for educators and coaches of the palace to raise their competence. Among them over 10 teachers were honored with the October 8 Model Professor and received new teaching method certificates.

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