calendar>>December 5. 2016 Juche 105
December 5 Youth Mine Marks Its 30th Founding Anniversary
Pyongyang, December 5 (KCNA) -- The December 5 Youth Mine of the DPRK marked its 30th founding anniversary.

The mine is a large-scale mineral producer playing an important role in building an economic power and improving the people's standard of living.

President Kim Il Sung took a measure to develop the mine on December 5, Juche 75 (1986) and wisely led the work to ensure its development under a long-term plan.

Leader Kim Jong Il visited the mine several times and solved problems arising in its work and saw to it that the mine glorified the leadership exploits of the President.

The mine has made long strides in its work to implement the behests of the great leaders and the Party's policy for the past three decades.

A meeting took place on Sunday to mark the 30th anniversary of the mine.

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