calendar>>December 6. 2016 Juche 105
Agricultural Sci-tech Exhibition and Presentation Opens
Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- A national exhibition and presentation of successes made in the agricultural science and technology this year was opened with due ceremony at the Academy of Agricultural Science Tuesday.

Present there were officials, scientists, researchers, technicians, teachers and postgraduate students from scientific and educational institutions and agricultural production units.

The exhibition and presentation is divided into six panels, including agricultural crop seeds cultivation, plant protection and stock-raising work.

Presented to it were more than 100 sci-tech achievements conducive to putting the agricultural production on a scientific and modern basis.

On display were more than 500 exhibits of 190-odd kinds, including new species of grain and various fertilizers and agricultural chemicals produced on the basis of Nano technology.

The exhibition and presentation will last until December 8.

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