calendar>>December 10. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Ridicules Traitor Park Struggling to Stay in Power
Pyongyang, December 10 (KCNA) -- Traitor Park Geun Hye of south Korea met the representative and the floor leader of the "Saenuri Party" at Chongwadae some days ago and uttered that even though the motion calling for her impeachment passed through the "National Assembly", she would keep following how it is handled at the "constitutional court" and that she is ready to face it in a composed and calm manner. She added that she would accept the "Saenuri Party's" decision on "resignation in April and presidential election in June" with an intention to "settle the political situation in a stable way."

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Saturday says that what she uttered is nothing but a foolish ploy to prolong her remaining days as a "vegetable president" even a bit and a desperate bid of the Chongwadae witch to challenge the public mindset to the last moments of going to her grave.

The aim sought by her is to maintain the present situation as long as possible and to while away time, rally the conservative forces again and tide over the crisis in the end, the commentary notes, and goes on:

No matter what cynical ploy Park, an old witch and psychopath without an equal, may resort to in order to mock at the public, seized with her limitless greed for power, it will only result in precipitating her miserable doom.

A south Korean media shortly ago said that it is very disgusting to see Park seeking greed for power till the last moments, asserting that they can not leave state affairs to her even a second as she lacks even normal judgment.

This is the unanimous stand of the south Korean public.

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