calendar>>December 10. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Premier Inspects Industrial Establishments
Pyongyang, December 10 (KCNA) -- DPRK Premier Pak Pong Ju inspected major establishments in Pukchang and Tokchon.

Going round the Pukchang Thermal Power Complex, the Tokchon Area Coal-Mining Complex, the Tokchon Coal Mine and the Sungri Automobile Complex, he learned in detail about the progress made in production and projects for expanding their capacities.

Consultative meetings of officials concerned were held on the spots.

They discussed measures to keep equipment in full operation and capacity by dint of science and technology and increase the production of electricity and coal.

Steps were also taken to give fullest play to the mental power of technicians and skilled workers to step up the technological updating of production processes and sufficiently supply raw and other materials needed for the serial production of new-type trucks.

The premier also inspected the Pyongyang Cosmetics Factory, where he acquainted himself with the progress made in updating the factory and called for stepping up the construction.

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