calendar>>December 12. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams S. Korean Puppet Group for Begging for Sanctions and Pressure on DPRK
Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- South Korean puppet minister of Foreign Affairs Yun Pyong Se during his recent junket to Austria talked such nonsense as "strong countermeasure of the international community against the north's nukes" and "close cooperation in implementing sanctions resolution". During his tour of an African country he behaved so meanly as to implore for "cooperation in implementing the sanctions resolution against the north"

Rodong Sinmun Monday in a commentary terms this desperate efforts of the most wicked traitors who can subsist only by relying on outside forces and are steeped in ill-intended repugnancy toward the compatriots in the north and the wild ambition for confrontation to the marrow of their bones.

It goes on:

The puppet group's such crazy bid is aimed to save their policy of confrontation from a total failure by relying on outside forces and seek a way out in doing harm to compatriots to the last.

As for Yun Pyong Se, he is no more than a dolt who took the lead in carrying out traitor Park Geun Hye's policy of confrontation with the DPRK and brought shame to the nation by playing the role of a running dog of Choe Sun Sil.

It was thrice-cursed traitor Yun who conducted the humiliating and treacherous negotiations with the Japanese reactionaries as instructed by Park at which he glossed over the crimes related to the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army for a petty amount of money and it was again Yun who got more zealous than anybody else in working for THAAD deployment, claiming that this U.S. demand should be met under any circumstances.

What matters is that the puppet group of traitors including Yun are getting frantic in their bid to escape a stern punishment, still trying hard to survive, and going mad with the confrontation with compatriots though their doom is fast approaching.

Only the most miserable end awaits those who are running the whole gamut of acts of treachery, counting on outside forces.

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