calendar>>December 13. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Authorities Denounced for Anti-DPRK Racket
Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson Tuesday runs a commentary in denunciation of the south Korean puppet group of traitors persistently resorting to the moves for "international cooperation" while vociferating about "carrying out the resolution on sanctions" against the DPRK.

Their mean behavior blemishing the international arena is nothing but desperate efforts of traitors to revive the failed confrontation policy in dependence on outside forces and hurt the fellow countrymen in the north, and a foolish act of disabled ones fated to be burnt to death together with Park Geun Hye by the flame of candlelight sweeping across south Korea, the commentary says, and goes on:

Yun Pyong Se, puppet foreign minister, has absent-mindedly pursued mendicant diplomacy for slandering and hurting the fellow countrymen as a faithful servant of traitor Park Geun Hye. Not content with this, he unhesitatingly sold out the interests and self-respect of the nation to the U.S. and Japanese masters only to be branded as rabid "psychopath" by the people.

He is making desperate efforts to dare undermine the position of the DPRK as a nuclear power with the racket of sanctions upon the DPRK, a bid which even his seniors describe as a fiasco. This is the daydream of the rabid dog.

No matter how desperately Yun and other traitors may try to get "international cooperation", the vigorous advance of the DPRK toward the final victory can never be checked.

The Park Geun Hye group of traitors should always remember that perpetrating more crimes while running amuck in the anti-DPRK racket will only make them pay higher price.

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