calendar>>December 13. 2016 Juche 105
Saenal Children's Union
Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- It has been 90 years since the formation of the Saenal Children's Union.

On December 15, Juche 15 (1926), President Kim Il Sung formed the Saenal Children's Union of patriotic children in and around Fusong, China to educate them in progressive ideas and lead them to the road of revolution.

It was the first revolutionary organization for children, the aim of which was to fight for the bright new day when Japanese imperialism would be overthrown and national liberation achieved, the day when the old society would be destroyed and a new one built.

The union had made youth and children conscious and organized to train them into revolutionaries of Juche type, thus producing a number of hard-core elements who would shoulder the future of the Korean revolution.

The formation of the Saenal Children's Union was a great event which declared the start of the Juche-oriented children's movement, and since then the Korean children's movement could build up its glorious tradition.

This glorious tradition had been carried on by leader Kim Jong Il and is now creditably encouraged under the guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

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