calendar>>December 13. 2016 Juche 105
National Seminar Held
Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- A national seminar took place Tuesday at the People's Palace of Culture at which the participants vowed to deeply study the undying exploits of leader Kim Jong Il and remain true to the Songun revolutionary guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

Present at the seminar were Kim Ki Nam, Yang Hyong Sop and officials of the party and administrative bodies, working people's organizations, armed forces organs, fields of science, education, literature and arts, media, institutions for training party cadres and the field of the preservation of revolutionary relics.

The seminar heard papers explaining and proving the revolutionary exploits Kim Jong Il performed for accomplishing the cause of the Juche revolution, the outstanding leadership ability of Kim Jong Un who is creditably carrying forward the idea and cause of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and the tasks and ways for hastening the final victory in the drive for the building of a powerful socialist country under the unfurled banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

Speakers praised Kim Jong Il as peerless statesman and prominent leader as he turned the Workers' Party of Korea into the most dignified and invincible party in the world, an ever-victorious party leading the cause of independence to victory.

Kim Jong Il was also the most brilliant commander who built invincible military muscle by pursuing the Songun politics, they said, and went on:

The whole period of Kim Jong Il's leadership over the revolution was the life of a peerless patriot who firmly protected the sovereignty and dignity of the country and its people and glorified them on the highest level.

Kim Jong Un is the supreme incarnation of revolutionary moral obligation as he opened up a new chapter in the cause of immortalizing the great leaders with his most intense loyalty and distinguished leadership ability.

The speakers called upon all the officials, servicepersons and working people to glorify the revolutionary feats of Kim Jong Il forever and work hard for the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche started in Mt. Paektu under the banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism true to the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

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