calendar>>December 19. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Lauds Kim Jong Il's Exploits
Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was a peerlessly elder statesman who paved a broad avenue to the country's prosperity by setting an epochal example in creation and changes with his gifted wisdom and through bold practice, says Rodong Sinmun Monday in an article.

It goes on:

The history of his revolutionary activities is a history of unheard-of eye-opening creation and innovations.

The course covered by the peerlessly great man was that in which he ushered in a heyday in all fields of the revolution and construction with his great patriotic pride and in the spirit of a pioneer and turned misfortune into blessing through the grand advance for continued innovations. His whole life was characterized by unprecedentedly tremendous creations through which he brought about great events that others could never venture, turning everything into an icon one in the present world, not merely transforming an old thing into a new one.

By foiling the harshest and basest sanctions and pressure by the reactionary imperialists hostile to the DPRK through the strong wind of epoch-making creation and speed campaign, he ushered in an era of uninterrupted surge. This is a historic miracle that can be performed by him only.

The undying exploits he performed by laying an eternal foundation for building the greatest power for the people in the world will shine forever along with the history of the nation.

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