calendar>>December 21. 2016 Juche 105
Different Bodies of DPRK Send Wreaths to Russian Embassy
Pyongyang, December 21 (KCNA) -- Different institutions of the DPRK sent wreaths to the Russian embassy here on Tuesday and Wednesday in memory of Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to Turkey.

Laid before his portrait were wreaths from the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of External Economic Relations, the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the General Bureau for Affairs with Diplomatic Corps.

Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Sin Hong Chol, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs; Ri Kwang Gun, vice-minister of External Economic Relations; So Ho Won, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries; Mun Jae Chol, vice-director of the General Bureau for Affairs with Diplomatic Corps; and other officials concerned.

The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the deceased and made entries in the mourner's book.

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