calendar>>December 21. 2016 Juche 105
Sojourn in Pyongyang of Chinese and Overseas Koreans Related to Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Struggle
Pyongyang, December 21 (KCNA) -- Those related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle visited the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site on Wednesday.

The visitors paid tribute to President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk before a mosaic portraying them.

They went round the monument to field guidance of the peerlessly great persons, and a submachine-gun performance test ground and submachine-gun firing range which are associated with their feats.

Zhou Haiqiao, granddaughter of Zhou Bao-zhong, a Chinese related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, said that she could know better about the immortal exploits the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu performed for the development of the defense industry of DPRK and she hoped Korean people would firmly safeguard the sovereignty and dignity of the country and nation by making more sophisticated weapons under the wise guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un, upholding the banner of self-development capability.

The son of Jiang Zihua, a Chinese related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, said that the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site is a significant place showing the history of the development of Korea's munitions industry. The DPRK could defeat the U.S imperialists and become an invincible military power as it had the great leader and the powerful munitions industry.

They also toured the Sci-Tech Complex, the Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory, the Mirim Riding Club and other places.

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