calendar>>December 21. 2016 Juche 105
Social Scientists Hold Symposium on Kim Jong Un's Exploits
Pyongyang, December 21 (KCNA) -- A symposium of social scientists took place at the People's Palace of Culture on Wednesday.

It dealt with the exploits of supreme leader Kim Jong Un who led the 200-day campaign to victory.

The symposium heard papers explaining and proving the leadership exploits of Kim Jong Un who organized and led the campaign to victory at to provide another radical turn in the history of struggle for building a thriving socialist nation.

Speakers said Kim Jong Un made sure that a great ideological campaign involving all members of the party was waged with his unusual wisdom and skillful organizing ability, thus bringing the mental power of the army and people into full play.

They also said that he gave field guidance day and night, leading all the fields and units to kindle the flames of creating Mallima speed.

He saw to it that a miraculous victory of turning misfortune into favorable conditions was brought about in the indefatigable spirit of defending the people and serving them, and the revolutionary traits of the Workers' Party of Korea devotedly serving the people were fully displayed and the close unity between the Party and the masses was consolidated thousand-fold, they stressed.

Under his guidance, the powerful defence capabilities for self-defence with the nuclear armed force as a backbone have seen greater increase and the strategic position of the DPRK has been further consolidated, they added.

They also noted that Kim Jong Un opened a breakthrough toward implementing the five-year strategy for the development of the national economy and thus ushered in the new heyday in building a highly civilized socialist country.

The speakers called on all the officials, party members and other people to firmly arm with the leadership feats of Kim Jong Un who brought about a victory in the 200-day campaign and harden the faith that the cause of building a socialist power of Juche is sure to emerge victorious as long as there is Kim Jong Un.

Present at the symposium were officials concerned, teachers, researchers, lecturers, journalists and editors in the field of science, education, media, the preservation of revolutionary relics and of institutions for training party cadres.

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