calendar>>December 22. 2016 Juche 105
Resignation of Puppet Prime Minister Urged in S. Korea
Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- The Citizens Solidarity for Democratic Society in south Korea held a press conference in Seoul on Dec. 20, in demand of the resignation of the puppet prime minister keen on following in the footsteps of traitor Park Geun Hye, according to the south Korean online paper Voice of People.

The speakers said that the puppet prime minister acted as if he had nothing to do with the "Park Geun Hye-Choe Sun Sil scandal" and pressed for the THAAD deployment, the introduction of "state-compiled history textbooks", the retrogressive revision of labor law and the system of forcible retirement, typical examples of the Park regime's bad rule.

They said that the prime minister is not entitled to be the acting "president" and is also in a position to face responsibility for the neglect of duty and abuse of position, demanding that he step down from the office together with Park.

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