calendar>>December 22. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Suk and "Song of General Kim Il Sung"
Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- It has been 99 years since the birth of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk (December 24).

On this occasion, the people in the DPRK are recalling the devotion made by Kim Jong Suk as a revolutionary fighter boundlessly loyal to President Kim Il Sung in creating and disseminating immortal revolutionary hymn "Song of General Kim Il Sung" after the country's liberation from Japan's colonial rule.

At that time, a large number of letters calling for creating a song praising Kim Il Sung, the national liberator and the sun of the nation, were sent to Pyongyang from different parts of the country.

After fathoming the unanimous desire of all Koreans, she met an official to underscore the need to create a song in praise of Kim Il Sung, saying that it should be the one praising his great exploits, the eternal one to be sung through generations.

She was often acquainted herself with the creation of the song and sent to a poet a pocketbook carrying over 100 revolutionary songs, including those written by the President.

When a draft for the song was completed, she personally met the poet to guide its composition and told him the stories about the anti-Japanese guerilla war. The poet, inspired by her talk, rendered her instructions into the words.

Under her energetic guidance, the revolutionary hymn "Song of General Kim Il Sung" was completed in July Juche 35 (1946).

The revolutionary hymn was soon disseminated, getting great popularity in different parts of the country.

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