calendar>>December 23. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Suk's Great Life for Korea's Reunification
Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- On the threshold of the birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war heroine Kim Jong Suk (December 24), the Korean people are recollecting with deep emotion the immortal feats she performed for the reunification of the country.

Korea's reunification was her greatest desire and noble aim of life and struggle.

Korea was liberated from the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule, but it was compelled to suffer pain of division due to the U.S. imperialists.

Kim Jong Suk, who valued the destiny of the country and nation before anyone, worked heart and soul for reunifying the country, true to the noble intention of President Kim Il Sung.

In the spring of Juche 38 (1949), she met women from south Korea who struggled against the U.S. imperialists' colonial fascist rule and moves for national division, true to the President's policy of national reunification. She requested them to take the lead in the struggle for national reunification.

She also led Ryo Un Hyong and Kim Ku to the road of genuine patriotism and showed loving care for women delegates from south Korea, who participated in the Joint Conference of Representatives of Political Parties and Social Organizations in North and South Korea, energetically conducting the work for national unity and reunification.

That was why a south Korean woman intellectual said in an article that thanks to Kim Jong Suk's warm loving care, not only the people of all social standings in the north but also personages of the south with differing ideology, political view and belief found out the right way of life and became patriotic fighters.

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