calendar>>December 23. 2016 Juche 105
Letter to Kim Jong Un from Mourners' Delegation of Koreans in Japan
Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un Thursday received a letter from the members of the mourners' delegation of Koreans in Japan who visited the socialist homeland to commemorate the fifth anniversary of demise of leader Kim Jong Il.

The letter said Marshal Kim Jong Un invited the mourners' delegation of Koreans in Japan on the greatest mourning day of the nation and let them pay tribute to the fatherly leader Kim Jong Il.

Noting that they keenly felt what a great man the Korean people upheld as their leader and father through the national memorial service and other events in the presence of Marshal Kim Jong Un, the letter went on:

The past five years when we had boundless honor and fortune of holding you, identical to leader Kim Jong Il in idea, leadership ability and virtues, as supreme leader of the cause of Juche were the days we deeply felt that the Korean nation is blessed with illustrious leaders, great suns and commanders down through generations.

The respected Marshal has sent congratulatory messages and letters and important instructions every year to the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) to meticulously guide the struggle of its officials and other Koreans in Japan for opening up a new heyday of the movement of Koreans in Japan.

Thanks to the respected Marshal, Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's Korea will be prosperous as the country of the great sun for all ages.

The letter expressed the will of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan to fully discharge their mission for the nation in the worthwhile struggle to build a reunified and prosperous powerful Paektusan nation in Korea.

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