calendar>>December 25. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Praises Kim Jong Un's Revolutionary Moral Sense of Obligation
Pyongyang, December 25 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Sunday in an article says that leader Kim Jong Il is the peerlessly great man who set it as an important issue related to the destiny of the revolution and socialism to respect the revolutionary forerunners and created a shining example of the revolutionary moral obligation.

Noting that the great tradition of the revolutionary moral obligation is being steadily carried forward by supreme leader Kim Jong Un, the article goes on:

The greatness of leadership of Kim Jong Un, who is ushering in a new chapter of the revolutionary moral obligation, is that he made sure that steady continuity is given to the history of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

He adopted it as his lifelong mission to hold Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the eternal sun of Juche and adhere to their ideas and feats and successfully carry them forward.

His greatness is found in the fact that he saw to it that the revolutionary forerunners boundlessly faithful to the party and the leader are respected and the precious traditions they established are carried forward forever.

He made sure that the army and people of the DPRK deeply respect the revolutionary forerunners and consider it as peculiar traits and tradition to firmly protect the revolutionary gains they won at the cost of blood.

With the warmest revolutionary comradeship and genuine obligation, Kim Jong Un has cemented the single-minded unity of the revolutionary ranks of the DPRK and fully demonstrated its might in the building of a powerful socialist country.

It is his noble stand on the people to uphold the people of the DPRK, as he does the great leaders, always cherishing the images of the great leaders who believed in the people as in Heaven.

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