calendar>>December 27. 2016 Juche 105
Abrogation of "State-Compiled" History Textbooks Urged
Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Voice of People, an internet newspaper of south Korea, Monday carried an editorial urging the puppet authorities to accept the people's demand for the abrogation of the "state-compiled history textbook".

"State compilation of history textbooks" has been declared as a typical policy of the Park Geun Hye regime but it was far from the demand of the people at that time and even has consistently been rejected by the history and education circles, the editorial noted.

There is no reason to press for the "state compilation" of history textbooks now that Park Geun Hye's duty as "president" was suspended after the passage of the motion calling for her impeachment at the "National Assembly", it said, adding:

This issue is still up for discussion despite the suspension of Park's duty because the "prime minister" and the education minister and other guys posted by Park are showing sign of pushing forward it.

They should be impeached if they insist on the policy, the editorial stressed.

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