calendar>>December 28. 2016 Juche 105
Japanese Reactionaries' Anti-DPRK, Anti-Chongryon Moves under Fire
Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Japan made a decision to suspend subsidies to five Korean schools in Kanagawa Prefecture under the pretext that these schools have regular touch with the DPRK and history textbooks at those schools do not reflect what is demanded by the authorities.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Wednesday says:

If the Japanese authorities have a shred of conscience, they should guarantee Korean students the right to national education and conditions for learning in the light of reflecting on their past wrongdoings and from a humanitarian standpoint, adding this is due obligation of Japan and its state responsibility.

The Japanese authorities are finding fault with the contents of education at Korean schools operated by the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) but this does not make sense.

They leave education at other foreign schools as it is but are taking issue with history education at Korean schools only and pressurizing them to make correction. They are unreasonably insisting they cannot provide subsidies to Korean schools only.

This is the manifestation of double standards and national discrimination.

Lurking behind this is a black-hearted intention to inflict heavy financial burden on Koreans in Japan in a bid to cause psychological change and thus take them away from the fold of the DPRK and Chongryon.

This is hideous human rights abuses and politically-motivated scheme which can be done only by the Japanese reactionaries who are steeped in inveterate and deep-seated hostility toward Chongryon and the DPRK.

Japan is seriously mistaken, however.

It would be well advised to ponder over the serious consequences to be entailed by the eruption of the pent-up resentment.

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