calendar>>December 29. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Releases Detailed Report on DPRK's Victory in Ending Era of Sanctions and Pressure over Nuclear Issue
Pyongyang, December 29 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency on Dec. 28 released a detailed report on the situation of the Korean peninsula in 2016.

The detailed report reads in part:

It is the consistent stand of the DPRK to make patient efforts for peace of the Korean peninsula and stability of the region.

Reviewing the situation in 2015 when the touch-and-go situation of war or peace was created, the DPRK proposed again to conclude a peace treaty with the U.S., signatory of the Armistice Agreement, to remove the root cause of war as early as possible and achieve durable peace on the Korean peninsula in which they are technically at war.

Early in January this year the DPRK reaffirmed its principled stand to play the responsible role to protect peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in the rest of the world and strongly demanded the U.S. and the south Korean authorities stop the dangerous war exercises for aggression and military provocations escalating the tension on the peninsula.

However, the U.S. has still pursued hostile policy toward the DPRK and resorted to nuclear blackmail and threat to it, driving the situation of the Korean peninsula and the region into tensions and instability all the year round.

At the end of the last year the U.S. announced "4D operation plan" for preemptive attack on the nukes and missiles of the DPRK and included it in the new war scenario OPLAN 5015 and hastily conducted the test of a new nuclear bomb B61-12 specially developed for a war against the DPRK.

The U.S. moves to ignite a war reached the worst phase with the largest-ever Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills as a momentum, the drills staged from August 22 to September 2.

The U.S. unprecedented provocations and nuclear blackmail forced the DPRK to bolster its war deterrence and take more offensive and stronger measures one after another.

The DPRK demonstrated non-stop the power of highly miniaturized, precision, diversified nuclear strike means and military hardware and thus drove south Korea and its surrounding regions where the aggressor troops were introduced, and even the U.S. mainland into veritable hell of appalling confusion and the worst uneasiness and fear.

The DPRK's new nuclear warhead explosion test was a great event which heralded the passing of the final gate for rounding off its national nuclear force and a historical deed which guaranteed the eternal prosperity and security of the nation.

The DPRK's revolutionary armed forces impeccably have access to H-bomb for tipping ballistic rockets, the ultra-modern striking means capable of carrying various kinds of nuclear warheads to all theatres of operation including the ground, sky, sea and underwater without limitation so as to wipe out invaders and provocateurs anytime and at any place.

A nuclear weapons state in the East resolutely announces.

Gone are the days never to return when the U.S. threatened and blackmailed the DPRK with nukes.

Now the DPRK poses the greatest threat and horror to the U.S.

The heroic Korean people shattered to smithereens the myth of the U.S. imperialists' "mightiness" and brought about the beginning of a downhill turn for them in the past 1950s, and they are driving the U.S. into the abyss of the final ruin in the new century of Juche.

The DPRK is demonstrating its might as a politico-ideological power and nuclear power and bringing the people's happiness under the present international situation in which sovereignty of countries and nations is being violated and they are suffering bloody disasters owing to the imperialists' aggression and interference. This stirring reality goes to prove once again the validity and vitality of the line of the Workers' Party of Korea on simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of nuclear force.

The DPRK will make as ever a dynamic struggle for fundamentally remove the danger of a nuclear war being imposed by the U.S. in reliance on strong defence capacity with the nuclear deterrence as a pivot and for defending peace in the region and the rest of the world.

The DPRK with the nuclear treasured sword of justice has already declared the ruin of the era of sanctions and pressure over the nuclear issue.

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