calendar>>January 1. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Jong Un Receives Message from Chongryon Central Standing Committee
Pyongyang, January 1 (KCNA) -- Respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory message from the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) on Sunday, the New Year's Day.

The message said that all the officials of Chongryon and other compatriots in Japan are looking back with deep emotion upon the last year in which the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea was held as the one of victory and glory under the outstanding and tested leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un, the position of Songun Korea was more consolidated and the greatest heyday of the Korean revolution was ushered in.

Kim Jong Un, who has firmly defended the destiny of the country and the nation and opened a new road of national reunification and prosperity, is the greatest man who will hasten the victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche and the socialist cause and the great leader who will bring about the bright future of Kim Il Sung's nation and Kim Jong Il's Korea which will prosper year after year, the message said, adding:

You are the benefactor of the life of Chongryon and compatriots in Japan as you take care of them with the fatherly loving care and the illustrious leader who puts forward Chongryon as an example of overseas compatriots' movement of the world.

All officials of Chongryon and other compatriots in Japan are full of determination to bring about a leap forward in the movement of Koreans in Japan along with the motherland which works hard to hasten the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche in significant New Year marking the 105th birth anniversary of the great leader President Kim Il Sung and the 75th birth anniversary of the great leader Generalissimo Kim Jong Il.

The message evinced the pledge to make a tangible contribution to the prosperity and development of the socialist country and the work for bringing earlier the country's reunification and thus fulfill their mission and patriotic duty before the country and the nation.

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