calendar>>January 17. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Jong Un's New Year Address Hailed Abroad
Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- A Russian organization and an Egyptian figure hailed the New Year Address made by respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.

The Central Committee of the Lenin Young Communist League of the Russian Federation said in a statement on January 12 that the New Year Address of Kim Jong Un is very significant not only in the struggle of the Korean people but also the world progressive people. It went on:

Comrade Kim Jong Un reviewed the achievements made in the struggle for implementing the decision of the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea and called for accelerating the victorious advance of socialism.

He stressed the need to ease the tension on Korean Peninsula, bring about a new turning phase of the independent reunification with the concerted efforts of the nation and for the U.S. imperialists to stop the war games threatening the whole of mankind.

He also expressed the stand to safeguard the peace and security of the country by steadily bolstering its capabilities for self-defence and preemptive strike.

We express the belief that the heroic Korean people would certainly carry out the tasks advanced in the New Year Address under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un.

Yehia Zakaria Khairullah, chairman of Egypt-Korea Friendship Association and chairman of the Arab regional preparatory committee for the 2017 Meeting Praising Great Persons of Mt. Paektu, said in a statement on Jan. 10 that he was pleased to read the New Year Address of Kim Jong Un, adding the address stressed the need to focus all efforts on implementing the five-year strategy for national economic development.

He wholeheartedly wished Kim Jong Un good health.

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