calendar>>January 17. 2017 Juche 106
Lots of Poems and Songs Created
Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- Writers of the DPRK active at different worksites of the country have created more than 100 poems and songs since the outset of the year.

Among them are poems "Hearty Response", "Your Son Is Standing on the Steel Front". They represent the feelings of the working people in different parts of the country whose hearts are burning with the resolution to live up with loyalty to the noble love shown by respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un for the people by swearing to become a true servant faithful to them on the New Year's Day.

From the outset of the new year, those writers went to Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Silk Mill, Pyongyang Thermal Power Complex, the Chilgol vegetable farm in Mangyongdae District, where they handed aid materials to the employees and worked together with them. In this course they created a number of literary works with strong appeal.

Short poems "First Report on the New Year's Drive" and "How Turbine of Power Plant Is Operating " deal with the revolutionary spirit of the army and people of the DPRK to register greater successes and turn the heyday of the revolution into a golden age of prosperity.

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