calendar>>February 7. 2017 Juche 106
Nukes of Aggression Generate Access to Nuclear Weapons of Justice: KCNA Commentary
Pyongyang, February 7 (KCNA) -- 59 years has passed since the U.S. shipped nuclear weapons into south Korea.

The U.S. officially announced on Jan. 29, 1958 that it deployed Honest John nuclear missiles in south Korea and opened to public the deployed nuclear weapons in February that year.

Since then, it has systematically increased the number of nuclear weapons in south Korea over the past nearly 60 years, reaching more than 1,000 in the 1970s and more than 1720 in the 1990s.

The U.S. nukes deployed in south Korea are means of aggression and domination to stifle the DPRK and conquer the whole world from A to Z.

A long time ago, the U.S. shaped the policy of pressurizing the DPRK to the effect that it will use nuclear weapons if the second Korean war breaks out, claiming that it was defeated in the Korean War because it did not use A-bomb.

Pursuant to the policy, it declared the start of equipping its forces present in south Korea with nukes in July 1957 and stepped up the forward deployment of nuclear weapons and thus turned south Korea into the biggest nuclear arsenal in the Far East.

It set the DPRK as a target of its preemptive nuclear attack and has modified and supplemented the scenarios for a nuclear war against the DPRK time and again and made them more criminal in their contents and has ceaselessly developed them through anti-DPRK war drills with the puppet forces every year.

Shortly ago, the U.S. promised the south Korean puppet forces that it would stage Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military exercises targeting the DPRK in the largest scale.

It is the mastermind of a nuclear war hell-bent on imposing a nuclear disaster upon the Korean nation and an arch criminal that spawned the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.

The daily-escalating U.S. nuclear pressure on the DPRK compelled the latter to counter the nukes with its own nukes as its last option and have access to even the ultra-modern strategic strike means such as smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear warheads as well as H-bomb.

The DPRK's access to nuclear weapons markedly reduced the danger of a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula and replaced the era of nukes of aggression, in which the U.S. unilaterally posed nuclear threat, with an era of nukes of justice in which the hostile forces can never have a sound sleep.

A report, submitted to U.S. Congress on February 1, defined the DPRK as the country that topped the "nightmare" list of the U.S. and warned that the DPRK's measure of bolstering its nuclear force would drive the Trump administration to the most critical phase that has never been faced by its predecessors.

The reality goes to prove that the DPRK's access to nuclear weapons is the most justifiable option for saving the destiny of the country and nation and defending peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and the region.

The correct answer to the question how to remove the nuclear threat to the DPRK is the access to powerful nuclear deterrence only.

The DPRK will steadily bolster up its military capability for self-defence with nuclear weapons as a pivot and capability for a preemptive strike, as long as the U.S. and its vassal forces continue to seek nuclear threat and blackmail against it and conduct nuclear war drills at its doorstep under the pretext of annual ones.

The U.S. and the south Korean puppet group would be well advised to behave themselves, clearly aware of who their opponent is and facing up to the trend of the times.

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