calendar>>February 16. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Jong Il Praised by Nigerian Party Leader
Pyongyang, February 16 (KCNA) -- Today's DPRK would have been unthinkable without leader Kim Jong Il, Goodswill Nnaji, national chairman of the Better Nigeria Progressive Party, said on February 10 when conveying a gift presented to him to the DPRK ambassador to Nigeria.

Noting that Kim Jong Il performed great exploits in strengthening the Workers' Party of Korea, laying solid foundations for the prosperity of socialist Korea and increasing the military muscle of the country in every way, the national chairman went on:

Thanks to his great idea and tested and energetic leadership, the DPRK demonstrated its unimaginable and tremendous might.

That's why I prepared the gift in reverence for HE Kim Jong Il who was born in Mt Paektu, the holy mountain of Korea, as the shining star and is always bringing bright light to the building of a socialist power and the global cause of independence.

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