calendar>>February 16. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korean Conservative Group Slammed for Their Pro-Japanese Act
Pyongyang, February 16 (KCNA) -- The Pusan Citizens Action for Defending Girl Statue in south Korea held a press conference before a girl statue outside the Japanese Consulate General in Pusan on Feb. 13 to denounce the puppet conservative group for their pro-Japanese act, according to the south Korean online paper Voice of People.

At the press conference speakers recalled that an unidentified man spread papers carrying letters patronizing Japan around the girl statue.

They said that Yun Pyong Se, minister of Foreign Affairs, is to blame for this.

Such behavior of the authorities speaking for the Japanese government is bringing pain and humiliation to the people and, furthermore, to the Koreans in Japan, they noted.

They called upon citizens to protect the girl statue.

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