calendar>>February 19. 2017 Juche 106
Joint Bulletin "Birth of Kimjongilia" Issued in Guinea
Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- The Guinean preparatory committee for celebrating the Day of the Sun and the Day of the Shining Star and Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Association of Guinea released a joint bulletin "Birth of Kimjongilia" on Feb. 8 on the 75th birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

The bulletin introduced the background against which immortal flower Kimjongilia was bred as the most famous flower of the world in reflection of reverence of all peoples for the peerlessly great man, and its features.

The meaning and value of Kimjongilia lie in that it fully represents the personality of Kim Jong Il as the great man, the bulletin said, adding: Kimjongilia is, indeed, the flower named after the great man in every aspect such as its color, leaves and stem.

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