calendar>>February 24. 2017 Juche 106
Spokesman for C.C., DFRK Hits out at S. Korean FM's Remarks against DPRK
Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- Yun Pyong Se, puppet foreign minister of south Korea, called for imposing tougher "sanctions" and "pressure" upon the DPRK during his junkets to various countries including Germany where the Group of 20 Foreign Ministers Meeting and Munich Security Meeting were held. He spouted rubbish, regardless of whom he was meeting, that the nuclear issue of the north is like a time-bomb, the north's nukes will reach the critical phase of actual deployment in one or two years and now is the last opportunity to stop it.

In this regard, a spokesman for the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea (DFRK) issued a statement which said:

What Yun uttered to take issue with the nuclear deterrent of the DPRK is no more than nonsense by an idiot ignorant of how peace is being preserved on the Korean peninsula and how things are going in the world.

The pro-U.S. psychopaths living on flattering the outsiders including the U.S., utterly indifferent to the national interests, only bring disgrace to the nation and cause trouble.

The traitors like Yun are busy asking the outside forces to cooperate in escalating confrontation with the compatriots in the north in a bid to prolong their remaining days, though fated to be thrown overboard together with Park Geun Hye. But they will meet bitterer disgrace and humiliation and miserable destruction for doing so.

The hostile forces' desperate moves to stifle the DPRK will only embolden it to rapidly emerge as the strongest power of self-reliance and self-development.

The puppet regime's ridiculous solicitation for cooperation in the moves for stifling the DPRK is bound to go bankrupt, cursed by the world public.

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