calendar>>February 24. 2017 Juche 106
Korean Mat-craft with Long History
Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- Mat tops all the grass-works of Korea with a long history. The Korean mat, in general, is weaved with strips of sedge or rush stalks. And sedge mat has been regarded as the best for its lightness, softness and elasticity.

From olden times, the Korean nation has spread mats over floor-heated rooms or floor and used mats with flower patterns, in particular, for guests or ceremonies.

Mat got popular during the Three Kingdoms (early 3rd century B.C.-middle 7th century A.D.) and in that period a governmental organ was established to specially preside over grass-craft.

The production and usage of mat had further increased in the period of Koryo (918-1392).

During the Feudal Joson Dynasty (1392-1910), it had been produced in most parts of the country.

Especially, mats produced in Phyongan, Hwanghae, Jolla and Kyongsang provinces were very famous across the country and mats with flower patterns highly appreciated even in neighboring countries.

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