calendar>>March 3. 2017 Juche 106
DPRK FM Spokesman Warns U.S. of Serious Consequences of Its Groundless Accusation
Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK Friday gave the following answer to a question raised by KCNA as regards the fact that sophism calling for re-listing the DPRK as a "sponsor of terrorism" is heard in the U.S.:

Hard-line conservatives in the U.S., including some congressmen, have called for re-listing the DPRK as a "sponsor of terrorism" since the outset of the year.

The DPRK government had already clarified its principled stand of opposing all forms of terrorism and any support for it before the international community and has consistently proved the stand in practice.

Nevertheless, the U.S. is seeking to label the DPRK a "sponsor of terrorism" though it has nothing in common with it. This cannot be construed otherwise than an expression of inveterate repugnancy and hostile attitude towards it.

No matter how the U.S. again calls the DPRK as a "sponsor of terrorism" in line with its standard and interests, the latter will never be a "sponsor of terrorism".

Gone are the days never to return when the U.S. could stigmatize at random to oppress those countries incurring its displeasure, while having the world under its control.

The U.S. will keenly realize how dearly it has to pay for its groundless accusations against the dignified DPRK.

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