calendar>>March 9. 2017 Juche 106
Impeachment of Traitor Park Is Demand of Public: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The special prosecutor of south Korea on March 6 officially made public the results of investigation into the "Park Geun Hye-Choe Sun Sil scandal" conducted for 90 days. They confirmed the horrible crimes committed by the witch of Chongwadae as undeniable hard facts.

Park Geun Hye and gentries of the "Liberal Korea Party" are now making desperate efforts to cover up the disclosed crimes and persistently evade her impeachment, while faulting the investigation results.

Rodong Sinmun Thursday in a commentary terms this the last-ditch efforts of those at the death's door.

The impeachment of Park is the demand of the people, the commentary says, and goes on:

The people are the wisest judge in the world. Traitor Park cannot escape a stern punishment by the people as she committed acts of treachery, deceiving and mocking at them.

The fierce candlelight actions of the people from all walks of life in south Korea have passed death sentence on the traitor, an eruption of the pent-up wrath and anger at her group of traitors.

Nothing is more foolish than the last-ditch efforts of the traitor and her group to stem the trend of the times.

No matter what sinister plots they may hatch to make profound confusing of right and wrong and no matter what tyrannical dictatorship they may resort to, they can never calm down the infuriated public mindset. It is an inexorable law that justice is sure to triumph and the evil is bound to fail.

With the publication of the special investigation results, Park is fated to be recorded as the worst "president" and meet the most shameless end in the south Korean history of politics.

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