calendar>>March 24. 2017 Juche 106
Young Koreans in China Hail DPRK's Test of High-Thrust Engine
Pyongyang, March 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nyo, chairperson of the Federation of Young Korean Nationals in China, issued a statement on March 20 reflecting the excitement of members of the federation at the news that the DPRK succeeded in the ground jet test of Korean-style high-thrust engine under the guidance of respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.

The statement said that the news made all members of the federation and other Koreans in China feel joy and national pride of being members of the military and space power.

It went on:

Kim Jong Un led the army and people in the sacred struggle for defending the destiny of Kim Il Sung's nation to make successes in the first H-bomb test and the satellite launch, brought about a great victory in the successful ground jet test of new-type high-thrust engine and gave all credit to his soldiers.

Watching him on TV hugging and taking on his back the soldiers, we shouted hurrahs for the great fortune and gratitude of holding such a great man as the father of the nation.

All young Koreans in China will bear in mind the victory of today and fully discharge the honorable mission and duty as overseas young vanguard of Kim Jong Un that will leave vivid trace on the way of patriotism like the scientists and technicians in the field of national defense in the homeland.

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