calendar>>March 24. 2017 Juche 106
Day of 21st All-People Action Declared in S. Korea
Pyongyang, March 24 (KCNA) -- The people's emergency action for resignation of the Park Geun Hye regime reportedly held a press conference in Seoul on Thursday and declared its plan for holding the day of the 21st all-people action.

Speakers at the conference vowed to demonstrate that the candlelight actions which culminated in the victory of the struggle for impeaching Park are going on for the settlement of pending issues, stressing the 21st all-people action would demand a probe into the truth behind "Sewol" incident and punishment of the mastermind, withdrawal of THAAD deployment, the scrapping of Park Geun Hye regime's other policies and elimination of its evils and punishment of U Pyong U and conglomerates and other accomplices.

They demanded the detention of Park keen on covering up crimes going against candlelight actions and the resignation of boss of the Park regime Hwang Kyo An.

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