calendar>>April 5. 2017 Juche 106
Young Korean People Perform Great Feats in Annals of Revolution
Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- Young Korean people are fully displaying their revolutionary mettle in the drive for effecting great surge, including the construction site of Ryomyong Street.

They, masters of the youth power, have created new legendary tales about heroic youth, glorifying the Mallima era.

They have performed heroic feats in the whole course of the Korean revolution in hearty response to the call of the Workers' Party of Korea.

In the postwar period, they completed the construction of the Haeju-Hasong railway extending over 80 kilometers only in 75 days.

President Kim Il Sung called the young builders of the railway project the first unit riding Chollima.

In the 1980s, young builders finished the construction of more than 250 km-long northern railway in five years despite the biting cold and ordeals.

During the Arduous March, the forced march, young people constructed the Youth Hero Motorway extending 40-odd kilometers as a monumental edifice in less than two years.

In the great era of Kim Jong Un, members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade built the Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station by overcoming unfavorable natural and geographical conditions.

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