calendar>>May 8. 2017 Juche 106
Rodong Sinmun Lashes Out at U.S. Moves to Ignite War against DPRK
Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- No sooner had the anti-DPRK nuclear war drills closed than the U.S. was busy with the moves to ignite a war against it.

Recently the USS Michigan, a nuclear-powered submarine, arrived at waters off south Korea under the pretext of annual visit where a nuclear-powered carrier strike group has been deployed.

This is the intent to openly threaten the DPRK, Rodong Sinmun Monday says in a commentary.

The commentary goes on:

It is the invariable aggressive intent of the U.S. to hold its military hegemony on the Korean peninsula and in the rest of Northeast Asia and dominate the world. The intent to invade the DPRK will never change though the ruling quarters of the U.S. are replaced.

All forms of joint military drills staged by the U.S. imperialists together with south Korean puppet group and the Japanese reactionaries are the root cause of the worsening situation on the Korean peninsula.

It is the gangster-like logic that their ceaseless war drills do not pose threats, but the steps of the Korean People's Army for self-defence to cope with them should be called into question.

The U.S. imperialists and their vassal forces' nuclear war drills can never be justified, although the guilty party files the suit first.

The U.S. nuclear threat and blackmail and nuclear arms race are the main cause forcing the DPRK to have nuclear attack capability for self-defence and further bolster up it.

The only way of protecting peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region to cope with the U.S. nuclear threat and blackmail is to increase the nuclear force, both in quality and quantity, in order to mercilessly wipe out the aggressors and provokers.

The DPRK will never remain a passive onlooker to the fact that the new U.S. administration openly reveals its intent to militarily pressurize and invade the DPRK, vociferating about "peace by force of arms".

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