calendar>>May 12. 2017 Juche 106
Scientific Farming Encouraged in DPRK
Pyongyang, May 12 (KCNA) -- A strong wind of scientific farming sweeps the rural communities of the DPRK.

Co-op farms in Phyongwon County, South Phyongan Province have tended rice-seedlings on a higher scientific basis. They set up sci-tech learning rooms to organize technical courses for rice-seedling cultivation, while encouraging seedbed-tenders to improve their technical knowledge and skills.

Sonchon County in North Phyongan Province concentrates efforts on securing the quantity of ammonium phosphate fertilizer and peat necessary for the early growth of rice-seedlings.

And co-op farms in Hongwon County, South Hamgyong Province have put the rice-seedling cultivation on a scientific basis.

Meanwhile, the Kangso Trailing Farm Machine Factory improved the performance of rice-seedling transplanters to speed up rice-planting.

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