calendar>>May 23. 2017 Juche 106
Social Scientific Achievements Made
Pyongyang, May 23 (KCNA) -- The Academy of Social Sciences in the DPRK has made a series of achievements.

Scholars of the revolutionary historical science and other fields finished scientific references to the eight famous scenes of the Sobaeksu Valley and eight famous scenes of Mt Paektu in close cooperation with officials of relevant units to add glory to the eternal treasures of the DPRK.

Social economic scientists wrote a number of valuable treatises conducive to increasing the variety and quantity of home-made products.

Scholars of literature, folklore, linguistics and archaeology have also made achievements in authoring and editing precious books and dictionaries crystallizing the moral and cultural wealth of the Korean nation with a long history spanning five thousand years and in translating national classics and excavating historical remains and relics.

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