calendar>>June 1. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korean Teachers' Union Starts Sit-in
Pyongyang, June 1 (KCNA) -- The Teachers Union of south Korea started an over-night sit-in in Seoul on May 29 to demand the withdrawal of the declaration of the union as outlawed by the Park Geun Hye group, according to the south Korean internet paper Jaju Sibo.

Before the action, the body blamed Park for violating the basic right of the union and suppressing its activities through the issuance of an illegal document, follow-up measure, secret cooperation between the public security forces and conservative organizations.

The cancellation of the official document that was issued under Park's rule would mean abolition of one evil, the organization said.

It declared they would start sit-in for the withdrawal of the document, revision of the law on trade union and acquisition of three rights to labor.

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