calendar>>June 13. 2017 Juche 106
Director General of DPRK Foreign Ministry Visits Equatorial Guinea
Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- Ho Yong Bok, department director general of the DPRK Foreign Ministry, and his party recently visited the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.

During the visit, the director general paid courtesy calls on the acting minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation who is its secretary of State, and on the minister of Agriculture, Stockbreeding and Food.

He also met and had talks with the vice-minister of Health and Social Welfare and the director general for Asia and Pacific of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

During the courtesy calls and talks he reiterated the stand of the DPRK to further boost the bilateral relations of friendship and cooperation with a long history and tradition, introduced the achievements made by the Korean people in the drive for carrying out the 5-year strategy for national economy development and explained the validity of the steps for self-defence taken by the DPRK to defend its sovereignty.

Domingo Mituy Edjang Adugu, acting minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation who is its secretary of State, and other high-ranking officials of Equatorial Guinea said all countries have the right to defend their sovereignty.

It is the height of partiality that the missile tests of big powers are overlooked while the DPRK's missile tests are faulted, they added.

They noted that it is the firm stand of the president and government of Equatorial Guinea to further consolidate the friendly and cooperative relations with the DPRK.

A memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the foreign ministries of the two countries was adopted during the visit.

The two sides decided to further activate the visits of delegations of various levels and boost the cooperation in various fields including agriculture and public health.

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