calendar>>June 27. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korea-U.S. "Alliance" Is Noose of Subjugation: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, June 27 (KCNA) -- The south Korea-U.S. "alliance" is the noose of domination, subjugation and subordination, says Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in an article.

The regime professing "democratic reform" appeared in south Korea, but voices of "stronger alliance" with the U.S. are still heard, it says.

Citing facts to prove that the south Korea-U.S. "alliance" touted by the pro-U.S. stooges is that for subjugation to colonial domination, for a war to realize the strategy to dominate the world and for division which puts a brake on the country's reunification, the article goes on:

There can be no such thing as "alliance" between the U.S. and south Korea.

After the defeat of the Japanese imperialists, the U.S. occupied south Korea and set up the pro-American puppet regime with its stooges.

It enforced the "military administration" in south Korea not to be applied in defeated Japan, established the American-style colonial domination system and built up the foundation to permanently occupy south Korea through shackling and unequal "agreements" and "treaties".

The south Korea-U.S. "mutual defense treaty" is the most aggressive and shackling unequal treaty in the history, the keynote of which is that the U.S. set the period of occupation as an indefinite period in a bid to not receive any limitation in turning south Korea into military base.

The U.S. is the chief criminal that divided Korea into two parts and has inflicted misfortune and disaster on its nation while disturbing the reunification of Korea.

There were not a few opportunities in the north and the south in the past that made all Koreans enthusiastic about national reunification and the whole country heated with reconciliation. But whenever such opportunities presented themselves, the U.S. deliberately aggravated the situation with military tension and war drills and manipulated behind the scene the puppet forces in a bid to let the north and the south steadily antagonize each other and pit the compatriots fight each other.

If the south Korean authorities persistently swim against the trend of the times, talking about "strengthened alliance" with the U.S., they would meet the same miserable fate as the Park Geun Hye group of traitors did.

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