calendar>>July 18. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Jong Un's Outlook on Posterity Introduced in Russia
Pyongyang, July 18 (KCNA) -- The Russian internet homepage Patrioti Moskva posted a special article titled "Future of Korea" illustrated with a photo of respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un on July 13 to mark the fifth anniversary of conferment of the title of the DPRK Marshal on him.

Saying that everyone would mention Comrade Kim Jong Un of Korea when asked who has drawn the keenest attention from the international community today, the article went on:

He mixes with the people in extremely modest and broad minded character, and this humane gesture makes people feel tender-hearted and everyone is charmed.

What touches people is his special loving care for the rising generation.

Citing detailed facts to show his noble outlook on posterity, the article further said:

Children are flowers and future of a country and nation and the politics on younger generation holds sway over ups and downs of the country.

It is by no means accidential that socialist Korea has always emerged victorious, standing unfazed despite grim tempests of history.

The international community sees the rosy future of Korea in the looks of Kim Jong Un taking warm care of the children.

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