calendar>>July 18. 2017 Juche 106
Korean People's Struggle for Reunification Supported in Britain
Pyongyang, July 18 (KCNA) -- The British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula made public a statement on July 4, the 45th anniversary of the publication of the July 4 joint statement.

The statement noted that President Kim Il Sung wisely led the movement for national reunification with his broad magnanimity and noble love for the nation, saying that the July 4 joint statement is a fruition borne of his idea of national reunification.

Disclosing that the south Korean puppet authorities denied the joint statement and have been engaged in the confrontation with the fellow countrymen while toeing the U.S. line, it said:

The fundamental principles of Korea's reunification set forth in the joint statement are comprehensively reflected in the June 15 joint declaration and the Oct. 4 declaration.

We extend full support and solidarity to the Korean people's struggle to achieve the independent reunification of the country, rejecting foreign interference.

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