calendar>>July 21. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Il Sung's Feats Praised by Foreign Figures
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- Remembrance meetings were held in Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, DR Congo, Zimbabwe, Ecuador and Belarus between June 27 and July 7 to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.

The vice-chairman of the Socialist Freedom Party of Egypt who is chairman of the Egypt-Korea Friendship Association said that the President founded the immortal Juche idea, the Songun idea, defeated the two imperialists, the U.S. and Japan, in one generation and turned the DPRK into a dignified socialist state.

The director of the International Affairs Department of the Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea and other speakers praised the President as the eternal leader of the Korean people, saying that he liberated the country from the Japanese imperialists and devoted all his life to the cause of national reunification.

The chairperson of the National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea of Democratic Congo and the chairman of the Democratic Congo-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Association lauded the ideo-theoretical exploits of the President who showed the road ahead of the world's progressives by providing the immortal guidelines for the human cause of independence.

The director general of the Television Station "Tele Andina 23" of Ecuador stressed that Kim Il Sung is a great man with noble personality and virtues.

The chairman of the Permanent Standing Committee of the Belarus National Association of Friends of Korean People Named after Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il said that the President would be always alive in the mind of humankind for his exploits.

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