calendar>>July 21. 2017 Juche 106
DPRK's Tough Stand against U.S. Supported
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- The Nepalese newspaper Gorka Patra on July 15 carried an article titled "North Korea after ICBM test-launch".

Noting that the news of the successful ICBM test-launch by the DPRK, not a big country in Asia, has rocked the world, the article said:

This successful test-fire threw a punch to the U.S. which developed and installed THAAD with investment of enormous amount of money.

The DPRK is meeting the U.S. challenge with the strongest counteractions, though the latter mobilized all type nuclear strike means to subdue the former militarily.

The U.S. should remember that standoff is not a solution.

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